Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fall Into Reading

Fall Into Reading

Here's my list of books I'd love to finish by December. I've tried this before and miserably fell out of the challenge... here's to hoping I can finish at least some of this list. There may be more added later on as I am GREAT at starting books and just not finishing them. lol

New to Start:
Conquering Your Giants
God's Makeover Plan
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

To Finish:
The Battle for Health is Over pH
The Baby Book
Cesar's Way


  1. I'm right there with you, April -- good at starting books, but not always as good at finishing them. :) Hang in there -- we can do it!

    Thanks for being part of Fall Into Reading 2010!

  2. So... I'm close to finishing one book. Bummer. We decided at kind of the last minute to MAKE our Christmas gifts to the kids (our 3 children, our 3 nieces, and our 3 nephews). lol So I'm reading a few of these books, but not consistently. I may never finish any of them. LOL
